Casualty decontamination equipment (SMR, SMR-U)
Patient decontamination equipment can be used for decontamination of injured people evacuated from a CBRN contaminated territory. So it serves on one hand for their individual protection on the other hand to avoid the contamination spreading to the levels of medical care system.
Main units:
- patient decontamination tent (air-supported, 9,7 * 5,9 * 3,6 m)
- with preparation, wet-treatment and post-treatment areas,
- with overpressure providing channels,
- with interfaces for connection to other systems,
- strecher holding frame
- personel decon scaffold (with fixed and hand shower heads)
- waste water collecting basin and pump
- patient decon device (suction regime)
- water supply module (RBA-70KVi)
- collapsible water tank (3000L) (for clean water)
- collapsible water tank (6000L) (for waste water)
- tent lighting set
- mobile area lighting set (MTVK-2)
Main characteristics:
- strecher decon line - 1,
- ambulant patient decon line - 2,
Number of shower heads:
- 6 fixed showers + 8 hand showers
Need in water:
- strecher line - 600 L/h
- ambulant line (with assistance need) - 600 L/h
- ambulant line (w/o assistance need) - 900 L/h
Operating possibilities:
Using of this equipment in full autonomy is not planned, so it requests outer (230V) power supply. Its collapsible water tank (3000L) can serve as a water source or it can be supplyed from pipe system. Without setting up the strecher holding frame it can be used as a normal personel decontamination tent (4 lines, with 3 showers in each).
This development project won a KMOP-1.1.4-09-2010-0084 support.