
Compound scintillators coupled with NDI intelligent detector system can be used for alpha counting, beta counting and gamma spectrometry at the same time.


  • Environment protection
  • Medical diagnostics
  • Scientific research
  • Nuclear safety


  • High sensitivity
  • Stability
  • Long life
Gamma Technical Corporation has been manufacturing scintillators since 1960. The company's commitment to high quality ensures that leading companies in the field of radiation measurement appreciate our expertise worldwide. Wide range of NaI(Tl), CsI(Tl), plastic, ZnS(Ag)+boronpolyester types are available with diameter from 0,5" to 5" and thickness up to 5". Gamma Technical Corporation offers Well-type and transversally bored NaI(Tl) crystals, ZnS+Plastic+NaI and CsI+plastic combined crystals, as well. Customers’ request for custom-made scintillators are also welcome. In compound scintillators impulses are generated with different pulse-height and pulse shape as an effect of alpha, beta, gamma and neutron radiation. An appropriate way for discrimination is based on the significantly different duration of alpha, beta and gamma responses. In the NDI intelligent detector system lower and upper threshold values should be selected experimentally upon visual inspection of the spectral distributon. Once the treshold values are fixed, the compound alpha/beta/gamma detector will produce separate pulse height versus energy distribution for all kinds of radiation.