- Evaluation of CBRN/HazMat related incidents,
on-site monitoring and personnel decontamination
- personal protective equipment
- 4-channel gas detectors
- Ex-Ox measuring instrument
- chemical detection kit
- portable GC/MS
- personal dosimeters
- hand-held radiation level and contamination measuring instrument
- adioactive contamination measuring instrument for food and other bulk or liquid samples
- deployable / vehicle-mountable environment monitoring station (meteo sensors, radiation
and gas detectors
- hand-held Raman spectrometer
- hand-held FTIR spectrometer
- bio agent detection kit
- sampling kit
- first responder decontamination kit
- marking kit
- area lighting set
- power generator
- thermo camera
- communication equipment
The HazMat Laboratory Vehicle takes position outside the hot zone fully prepared to start the on-site examination of the samples gathered either by the DIM teams or the crew of the lab vehicle. State-of-the-art instrumentation supports the crew in analysing and evaluating the samples such as portable GC/MS and IH-111 radiological contamination measuring instrument that enables the identification of radioactive contamination in food, soil or other liquid or bulk samples.
The Mobile Lab vehicle is a key component of an efficient HazMat fleet. Completed with further radio-linked subunits such as Detection, Identification and Monitoring (DIM) vehicle, mobile command post, ambulance and decon system the fleet creates a highly effective disaster management force.