- Reconnaissance of widely contaminated areas
- Localization of discrete radiation sources
- Four-channel spectrometry
- GM-tube and scintillation detectors
- GPS based geo coordinates
- 4 hour continuous, autonomous operation
- Built in a container for attack helicopter
- Map-display
The task of the system is the aerial reconnaissance of an area for primary survey. The container of
the system includes two nuclear detectors, GPS-receiver, barometric altitude-meter and data
logger which can send the recorded data to the on-board notebook or to the PC of the operation
center. One of the two detectors is a BNS-98 dose rate meter while the other one is a specially
designed, highly sensitive NDI-65/SK type intelligent scintillation detector, built in a lead
collimator which ensures the capability of finding and localizing discrete radiation sources on the
ground. The system calculates the radiation level of the contaminated area (referred to 1 m
altitude) or the dose rate of a discrete radiation source from the dose rate measured at the flying
altitude considering the atmospheric and ground conditions .